Saturday, August 7, 2021

August 7th flight

It's 2:37PM and the engine starts to roll
I'm leaving the place that became my home
My heart aches, I don't want to go
But I need to make a decision for me to grow

The distance seem so close yet so far
I know I can give a call, but it's not enough
Maybe the feeling of physical touch
Is far more different than any virtual

It's 2:41PM  and we're still on the ground
And I hear a sob from the back
Could I give her something to wipe her tears?
Coz I know it's hard to leave half you heart here

The plane starts taxi and then it flies
Then I look down, and see the church stand proud
I'm not a religious, but it makes me smile
Coz my home seats 100 steps away from where it stands

I'm hundred feet above, and surrounded by clouds
Funny how it never give a knock in my heart
I always wanted to belong somewhere safe
Maybe someone else's presences' is okay

Finally, I hear the captain's voice
Apologizing for the delayed that came before
Sharing our current location and some procedures
Oh, he also said, we'll arrived at 3:15PM

The flight didn't bored me so much
Maybe because I'm writing throughout the flight
But still this flight is delayed, I will not let it pass
We reached NAIA 41 minutes past the hour 

Choice to change happiness

Things happened. I experienced tons of disappointment, heartbreak, and loss. I was unhappy even when I’m surrounded by a lot of people. So, ...