I d0nt kn0w why I'm being this way. I feel so hard, so painful and th0se things, I can't handle anym0re. There's a part of me is l0st and crying there's a part of my self that w0ndErs al0ne in the darkness and my s0ul, yes, my s0ul faced its defeat. The pain was been left unguarded and n0w it gr0ws like a cancer that c0nsuming my s0ul. I WAS ALONE IN THIS J0URNEY.
My blemish, a part of my self that pulling me m0re d0wn into the darkness. I feel Like giving up. I was l0st, aL0ne. W0rdEring in a place I didn't kn0w. Waiting...Just waiting f0r s0me one.. Waiting f0r help to arrive.. But.....It d0est c0me al0ng.
I feel like I was hunted BY myself but I feel So tired OF running away... I was cheated By my own lie and I feel Sorry f0r myself. I WAS ALONE IN THIS CHAOS AND NO ONE WAS THERE BUT ME. I hate this feeling it tearing me apart.
As I walk away and distance myself fr0m pe0ple ar0UND ME h0ping to find my self so I can be wh0le again. I search...Search..Search Until I f0und myself asking what I am searching f0r. I feel so al0ne and the feeling was all over the c0rner and it gives m0re aChes to my chest. " H0w cAn I Be my self again and h0w cAn I end alL OF this?" I ask myself.
M0nths pasSeD Like day and eaCh steP I take was n0thing buT FaKE. I d0ubteD MY own aBility and fEquently questi0ning my own self w0rth. This is n0t me, I realize and I cAnt be this way F0REVER. The circle of lifE was diFfERENt f0r me by n0w and I starting to realize that its n0t yet the eNd of line f0r me to change.
N0w I kn0w that help c0mes first within myself and if I let 0therS TO DO It n0thing wilL g0nNa hapPeN. I guesS Its time f0r me to l0ok at myself and break my own chain.
Maybe I sh0uld give my self a creDit f0r n0t quiting even if I alm0st give up. BuT StilL I keEp oN g0ing, keEp oN Figthing. So after al0ng waits and al0ng run I feEl n0w its all over. After alL th0se pain and s0rRow, m0ving oN Is next in line. I d0nt kn0w why do I neEd to c0me this far just to fiGurE IT OUt and why do I neEd to fEel alL of it just to kn0w its over. BuT ITS 0key c0z its alL D0NE. Im awake f0m my greatest niGhtmare. Its time f0r me to st0p chasing the sky. St0p waiting f0r s0me pe0ple to arRive. I sh0uld n0t be afFaid to the changes rather be hapPy c0z it hapPeNS. I've liveD T0O much to a w0rld full of darknesS bUt n0w that liGht is oN my way I sh0uldnt let it go. I lived to much to my past and I should let it go. I have al0t of dreams leFt unfulfilleD and I regret it so much. I've suFfER en0ugH. I've hurted enough. I should breakfree my self and I must do this n0w. S0meh0w I learn that I should n0t sucCeD To failure buT to the sucCes.
N0w, I am ready to faCe THe w0rld again, ready t0 take an0ther step, ready to open an0ther chapter of my lifE, ready to impR0VE MY self and be s0meb0dy else and N0 oNe cAn disc0urage me in any way. T0day is the start where I wilL beGin the changes I want to seE I kn0w that I cAn make it. C0z I belive.
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